Perform an IQC-analysis

IQClab facilitates various types of robustness analyses by means of the following functions:

iqcanalysisThis function can be used for performing the most conventional IQC-based robustness analyses covering a large class of uncertainties and different types of performance metrics ranging form L_2-gain performance to H_2/generalized H_2-performance, and passivity performance. Also this function can be used for just verifying robust stability (without considering any performance metric).Details
iqcinvarianceThis function can be used for performing various types of IQC-based regional/invariance analyses based on general dynamic multipliers allowing to obtain invariant sets as a result of energy bounded disturbances or non-zero initial conditions.Details
mu2iqcanalysisIn case the uncertain plant is already available as LFT object (being defined by an LTI plant and LTI parametric (ureal) and/or dynamic (ultidyn) uncertainties), this function can be used for performing a quick IQC-analysis as alternative to the function wcgain (Robust Control Toolbox), without the need for setting up the IQC-analysis.Details

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