
In this section it is demonstrated how to create two performance blocks and combine then into one. To do so, suppose that the first block has the following properties:

  • name: ‘perf1’
  • performance metric: Induced L_2-gain
  • Input performance channels of M: 4:12
  • Output performance channels of M: 7:18

This performance block can be created as follows:

perf1 = iqcdelta('perf1','ChannelClass','P','InputChannel',[4:12],'OutputChannel',[7:18],'PerfMetric','L2');

In addition, suppose that the second performance block is defined by:

  • name: ‘perf2’
  • performance metric: Induced L_2-gain
  • Input performance channels of M: 13:14
  • Output performance channels of M: 19:22

This performance block can be created as follows:

perf2 = iqcdelta('perf2','ChannelClass','P','InputChannel',[13:14],'OutputChannel',[19:22],'PerfMetric','L2');

These two performance block can be combined into one as follows:

perf = blkdiag('perf',perf1,perf2);

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